BtH: Is Resolution Possible in Jammu and Kashmir?
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Unmet medical needs – Challenges faced by India
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at “Driving Innovation to advance access to healthcare: Challenges and way forward for...
Biosciences to Bio-Economy
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor was a part of the panel discussion “Biosciences to Bio-Economy” at the Global Bio 2019 organised...
Higher Research Quality and Productivity
amitkapoor, , Education, Innovation, Speaking, 0
Dr Kapoor participated in a online workshop on Higher Research Quality and Productivity organised on November 23, 2020. The...
The Fate of Nations: Tech Redefining National Competitiveness Strategies
amitkapoor, , competitiveness, Speaking, 0
It goes without saying that those countries which cultivate technological breakthroughs, innovation, and diffusion will position themselves effectively for...
The Lure of Universal Healthcare ! What India is doing in Healthcare
amitkapoor, , competitiveness, Covid 19, Healthcare, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor placed Universal Health Care in the competitiveness perspective for India’s economy and social impact. He will...
Sustainable Supply Chain: Role of Big Businesses
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
India Sustainability Conclave 2019 is an interesting brainstorming platform with knowledge, networking and capacity building as additional take-away to...
amitkapoor, , Democracy, Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor participated at a roundtable discusion organized by CIFF on February 20, 2019 at Jesus College, Cambridge, United...
Corporate Governance and Business Responsibility
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Conference on ‘Corporate Governance and Business Responsiblity’ on April 8, 2013 at Observer Research...