Dr. Kapoor formally joins the advisory board of Ahlers Center at University of San Diego
contact us at +91 124 437 6676 info@competitiveness.in

Skoch Economics Award
amitkapoor, , News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor was awarded the Skoch Economics Award at the 92nd Skoch Summit. The award was given by...
Amit Kapoor and Ease of Living Index
amitkapoor, , Ease of Living, Interview, Media, News & Coverage, 0
On the podcast, John talks with Amit Kapoor about how GDP is a poor measure of Human Well Being....
Are We Tad Too Competitive
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0
The article was published with Hindustan Times on January 10, 2014.
Why Smart City status eluded Gurgaon
amitkapoor, , Cities, News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on the city of Gurgaon in an article titled “Why Smart City status...
Services Growth Helps Delhi get an Edge
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, SCR, States, 0
Delhi is one of the most competitive states in India because of its governance, business incentives, talent pool and...
India’s 50 most COMPETITIVE cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0
Which are India’s most competitive cities? The City Competitiveness Report 2011 — unveiled by an international think tank, Institute...
We need a Data Driven Skilling Strategy
amitkapoor, , Media, News & Coverage, 0
Sheen Zutshi, Research Manager, Institute for Competitiveness on the podcast on “We need a Data Driven Skilling Strategy” hosted...
Delhi among highly competitive states, says report
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, SCR, States, 0
Delhi is one of the most competitive states in India because of its communications facilities, easy administrative environment, physical...