Financial Inclusion: Barter to Bitcoins, Bricks and Mortar to Mobile – Developing 21st Century Financial Services Solutions for the Unbanked Poor
by Don Tapsoctt (Executive Director, Global Solution Networks), Amit Kapoor (Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness, India), Jill Rundle (Contributing Writer, Global Solution Networks) and Arun Singh
Financial Inclusion: Barter to Bitcoins, Bricks and Mortar to Mobile – Developing 21st Century Financial Services Solutions for the Unbanked Poor
contact us at +91 124 437 6676
Democracy in the age of data
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
Democracy in the age of data “Data is the new oil” has been a clichéd maxim of the internet...
Getting the airline sector out of a tailspin
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
It does not require much thought to see that the airline industry in India is in a shambles. Whatever...
Export-led growth: India’s path to economic recovery
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Export-led growth: India’s path to economic recovery The global economy was already on shaky grounds with high debt-fuelled growth...
Delhi among highly competitive states, says report
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Delhi is one of the most competitive states in India because of its communications facilities, easy administrative environment, physical...
GST rollout, tackling NPAs to dominate new fiscal
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An eventful financial year nears its end on March 31. It was a year of tumultuous ups and downs...
India must strive to make itself more competitive to create jobs: Jayant Sinha
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India must lead in productivity and innovation for remaining 6 billion people on the planet, says minister of state...
Preparing for the Future of Work: Key Achievements in India’s G20 Presidency
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By Amit Kapoor and Amitabh Kant The ongoing transformation of our world is undeniable, driven by a complex interplay...
Retelling Retail
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
The billion-plus population of India is a retailer’s idea of a heaven. With close to 35 per cent of...