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‘Make in India’ can lead to ‘Decade of Manufacturing’
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, Manufacturing, 0
The government’s manufacturing focus is evident. On the recent three-country foreign visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Make in India campaign received...
Beyond the Trump Visit
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0
During the seven decades of independence, India’s relationship with the United States has always been complicated. Before the new...
What is Urban?
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, Urbanisation, 0
Bibek Debroy, Aditya Sinha & Amit Kapoor Throughout the 20th century, modern states have pursued what political scientist, James Scott,...
Crying need for outcome-based education in India
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, Education, India Council, 0
If the buzz around Hyperloop materialises, a commute between Chennai and Bengaluru can be a matter of 30 minutes. The advent of Artificial...
Are We Tad Too Competitive
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0
The article was published with Hindustan Times on January 10, 2014.
Towards creating a healthier and more productive India
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, Food Safety, India Council, 0
Towards creating a healthier and more productive India The last four years of the Narendra Modi government have seen...
Need to guard against demographic dividend becoming demographic burden
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
It has been an eventful three years for the Modi government. Back in 2014, BJP had inherited a system...
India’s New Competitiveness Challenge: Reform Distorted Markets
amitkapoor, , Articles, Articles, competitiveness, India@100, 0
Over the years, India’s competitiveness has been marked by substantial progress on certain foundational socio-economic aspects. A lot has...