GNFC Neem Project: The Ecosystem of Shared Value (Harvard Business Publishing)
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GNFC Neem Project: The Ecosystem of Shared Value (Ivey Publishing)
amitkapoor, , Cases, Shared Value, 0
This case is suitable for graduate and post-graduate courses in general management and strategy, and for post-graduate courses...
Strengthening Livelihoods of the Poor: Role of Private Sector
amitkapoor, , Shared Value, Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his views on Strengthening Livelihoods of the Poor: Role of Private Sector at the Livelihoods Asia Summit...
Why companies need to share to care
amitkapoor, , Articles, India Council, Shared Value, 0
Practices that enhance competitiveness while improving socio-economic profiles of communities bring better growth Milton Friedman vehemently argued against the...
Shared Value an important lever in Prime Minister’s Vision of New India 2022
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, Shared Value, 0
On the 75th anniversary of the Quit India movement, The Prime Minister urged the citizens to create a new...
JSW Steel: Shared Value at Vijayanagar Steel Plant (Harvard Business Publishing)
amitkapoor, , Cases, Shared Value, 0
By 2015, JSW Steel Limited had established itself as one of India’s leading steel producers. Since 2002, it had...
Boond: Enabling access to energy solutions for the rural India (Ivey Publishing)
amitkapoor, , Cases, 0
The case study was published in Ivey Publishing and authored by Amit Kapoor, Sandeep Goyal & Rajen Gupta Issues: Social...
Opportunities, challenges of B-school models top discussions at Shared Value Summit 2016
amitkapoor, , Articles, Press Release, Shared Value, 0
The Shared Value Summit 2016, organised recently, presented an interactive learning platform for discussion about the opportunities and challenges...
Pepsico: The Corporate Citizen
amitkapoor, , Cases, 0
The case study was done in collaboration with PepsiCo for their “Taste the Success: Become Indra’s Advisor” and...