Gurgaon: Millennium Next City
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Role of Competition and Regulation in Fostering Development and Reducing Inequalities
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International) and CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC) organised the 6th Biennial...
Driving the digital transformation of local governments
amitkapoor, , Cities, Social Progress, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Smart City Expo in Jaipur on September 26, 2018. The seeing...
Are Indian Cities Ready for the Coming Migration Wave?
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, India Council, 0
According to the World Urbanization Prospects of the UN Population Division, the percentage of people residing in urban areas...
Angus Deaton and lessons for India
amitkapoor, , Articles, India Council, 0
This year’s Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences was announced on 12 October 2015, the recipient none other than...
Competitiveness: Social Progress and Shared Value
amitkapoor, , Shared Value, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor at the plenary session discussed how Shared Value as a competitive strategy drives social progress and...
Mistry’s exit a blip in Tata’s long, illustrious history
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
The Tata group is no stranger to Indians. It has had a long and illustrious history in the sub-continent...
Resolving India’s urban governance challenges
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
The recent flooding in Chennai and our reaction to it points to a deeper malaise affecting us all. It...
Rocky ride for the economy in 2017
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
Rocky ride for the economy in 2017 It has been almost a decade since the world underwent a litany...