India Development Debate | ET Now
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Innovation-driven economy key to tackling inequalities
amitkapoor, , Innovation, Media, News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Economic Growth at the Back to Basics: The Role...
WB & IMF give thumbs up to India’s economic growth | DD India
amitkapoor, , Media, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on WB & IMF give thumbs up to India’s economic growth | DD...
Aaj Savera – Interaction with DD Anchor Nidhi Kumar
amitkapoor, , Cities, Interview, Media, News & Coverage, Shared Value, Social Progress, Strategy, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor in conversation with DD National Anchor Nidhi Kumar. The program was aired on January 8,...
Report on Social Progress Index: States and Districts of India
amitkapoor, , Report, Social Progress, 0
The report was released at an event organised at the Jawahar Lal Museum Library (Seminar Room) on December 20,...
NITI Aayog releases report on Export Preparedness Index (EPI) 2020
amitkapoor, , Articles, Export Preparedness, Press Release, States, 0
NITI Aayog in partnership with the Institute of Competitiveness released the Export Preparedness Index (EPI) 2020 today. The first...
Long road ahead to ending hunger, malnutrition
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, Social Progress, 0
Long road ahead to ending hunger, malnutrition The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) incorporate zero hunger as one of the 17 targets to...
India’s most competitive city? Hint: Mumbai’s No 2
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0
India’s capital has emerged the most competitive city in the country for the third straight time with the commercial...
Failing our children
amitkapoor, , Articles, Education, India Council, Social Progress, 0
Amidst all the celebratory din on the clearing of the GST bill, the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment...