Insights: Global Economic Outlook
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Dr. Kapoor formally joins the advisory board of Ahlers Center at University of San Diego
amitkapoor, , Media, News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor formally joins the advisory board of Ahlers Center at University of San Diego. The Ahlers Center...
Hindustan’s Economic Power and Competitiveness
amitkapoor, , competitiveness, News & Coverage, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on Hindustan’s Economic Power and Competitiveness on DBTV Channel on August 31, 2018.
Aspirational District Program: Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas Sabka Vishwas
amitkapoor, , ADP, Media, News & Coverage, Speaking, 0
DD DIALOGUE| Aspirational District Program: Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas Sabka vishwas on November 20, 2020. Following Experts shared they...
City Delhi No 1
amitkapoor, , Articles, CCR, Cities, News & Coverage, 0
Similar to the previous years, India City Competitiveness Report 2013 in its Sixth edition evaluates the 50 Indian cities....
India’s Most Competitive States 2013
amitkapoor, , Articles, News & Coverage, Press Release, SCR, States, 0
Indian vice-president Hamid Ansari summed up how important it is for the country to bridge the disparities between various...
Car Makers Face a Skill Shortage Rider in Gujarat
amitkapoor, , News & Coverage, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views on competitiveness of Gujarat in an article titled “Car Makers Face a Skill...
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad top three liveable Indian cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0
Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad have emerged as the top three liveable cities in India. Mumbai jumped two places and grabbed the numero uno position...
Pune slips in livability index, reveals survey
amitkapoor, , Articles, Cities, Liveability, News & Coverage, 0
The latest survey by the Institute of Competitiveness reveals that Pune has dropped out of the top 10 cities...