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An Enabling Ecosystem towards formalization for enterprises
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0
An Enabling Ecosystem towards formalization for enterprises The subject of transitioning from informality to formality continues to be discussed...
Re-imagining governance with Aspirational Districts Programme
amitkapoor, , ADP, Arthashastra, Articles, 0
Re-imagining governance with Aspirational Districts Programme In over seven decades of its democratic journey, India has progressed by leaps...
Transition to Sustainability: Economic Implications of Green Energy Adoption in India
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0
By Amit Kapoor and Suryansh Chalamalasetty India’s energy mix has traditionally been dominated by coal. Thermal energy is generated...
India’s Aspirational Districts Programme Focuses Governance Efforts On Development
amitkapoor, , ADP, Articles, 0
India’s Aspirational Districts Programme Focuses Governance Efforts On Development By Amit Kapoor, Michael Green, Mark Esposito and Chirag Yadav...
Tackling Urban Poverty
amitkapoor, , Articles, Business Standard, Urbanisation, 0
By Amit Kapoor and Dr. Bibek Debroy In the intricate web of urban dynamics, one undeniable truth prevails: the...
India’s Performance, Global Implications
amitkapoor, , Articles, Financial Express, 0
Globalization has been an age-old phenomenon that can be traced right from the days of the Silk Road. The...
Focus on Q results, not long-term growth has created India’s NPA conundrum
amitkapoor, , Active Voice, Articles, India Council, 0
India’s NPA problem has a flip side to it: the issue of rising corporate debts. IMF, in its latest...
Role of Policy in enhancing Manufacturing Competitiveness of India
amitkapoor, , Articles, Manufacturing, 0
The paper was published in Capturing Value in International Manufacturing and Supply Networks, Cambridge